Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Graduation '19

My school has a tradition where the Teacher of the Year is the commencement speaker. So, this year that was me. I had the opportunity to do this back in 2014 at my first school which was great because it meant this time was slightly less terrifying. It was also quite a bit harder since I already used up my one good idea1.  

I ended up asking the #MTBoS for advice that they wished they'd gotten when they were 18.

Now that the crazy has died down a bit, I wanted to go ahead and post this for all the folks that helped me write it. Thanks to my husband for recording the video!

Good evening faculty, staff, family, parents, and most importantly seniors. We’re so proud of you and all of your hard work to get here. Bienvenidos a maestros, familias, padres, y más importante, Seniors. Lo siento no puedo dar todo mi discurso en español, pero solo hablo un poquito. Quería asegurarme de que supiera lo orgullosos que sentimos de sus estudiantes y lo felices que estamos de tenerlos a ustedes como parte de nuestra familia Bobcat.

When I was trying to figure out what to talk to you about tonight, I got a little bit of writer’s block. The last time I did one of these I talked about why it was important to be a nerd. However, I think anyone who walks through our little corner of the 400 building has already picked that up. So instead, I did what I always do when I get stuck on something - I asked for help. In this case, I asked my corner of the internet - my friends and the math teachers on Twitter what they wished someone had told them when they were 18. It mostly came down to two basic things - Math (shocking, I know) and Being Kind.

So, here we go. This is what we all wished someone had told us at your age.

The first two involve money.

-       Start saving now. $10 a month, put it in a savings account. Start an IRA as soon as you get a job with benefits. Remember the compound interest formula from Math 3? Let time help you out!

-       For the flip side of that, Credit. Be careful! For those of you going on to college - either a 4 year or 2 year, watch out. Those first few days there are usually tables outside the bookstore or student union with credit card applications. If you fill one out you get a t-shirt or have a chance to win a tv or something. It’s so easy to all of a sudden have 5 credit cards. If you have strong willpower, get one and pay it off every month. If not, stay away.

Now, money is important but, believe it or not, the vast majority of things people wanted me to tell you were about being kind. Being kind to other people and being kind to yourself.

-       Always tip. If you can’t afford to tip at that restaurant, you can’t afford to eat there. Pick somewhere else.

-       Tied to that, people who work in a service industry deserve your respect. Don’t take your frustrations out on someone who is just trying to do their job. Clean up after yourself. Throw your trash out. Return your shopping cart.

-       I think this next one counts as both being kind to others and yourself - If you’re eligible, please register to vote before you leave home. And if you are registered, please do your research and vote. In every election.  Don’t let folks my age and older make the decisions to run our country. Use your voice.

Being kind to yourself is harder than it sounds and can take many forms. And a lot of times? It sounds like things your Momma told you.

-       Be kind to your future self. Make your lunch the night before, set your clothes out, put your keys in the same spot every day, start that paper earlier in the week rather than that night it’s due.

-       Give yourself some grace. You will mess up. I know that sometimes adults look like we have it together but we really don’t. Give yourself a break BUT learn from those mistakes.

-       Find friends that make you want to be better. Hang out with people who make you feel good about yourself and make you want to achieve more. Gas them up and let them gas you up in return.

-       Invest in your passions while you’re still young enough to have the energy and freedom to advocate for them.

-       And if you don’t know what those passions are yet, now is the time when you can try a bunch of new things - but maybe don’t document them all on your Instagram...  If your social media accounts aren’t private yet, change those settings. If you think your first boss isn’t going to google you before they hire you, you’re crazy.

-       Speaking of work, show up on time, work hard, and try to get better - even if it’s not the field that you ultimately want to go into. That first boss will be your reference for the next job you want.

-       You can always change your mind. Listen to your gut. If your career path or major doesn’t feel right anymore, you can change it. I did. 18 years ago I was in a graduate program that had nothing to do with education. I wasn’t happy and it didn’t feel right and so I got out. It was scary and hard but it was the right call. I’m definitely doing what I was meant to do.

-       If you’re going to college, go by the Health Center and see if they offer mental health services. If so, go. Learn coping strategies and have a safety valve that first semester. Everyone has issues and baggage they have to work through. Go do it now while it’s free. If you’re not going to school right away, look into resources that can help. Speak up if you need help. We all struggle.

All of that came from friends and from Twitter. This last one is my one thing for you. Those of you who have been in my room know I’m a proud Hufflepuff. Hufflepuffs are loyal and always have their family and friends’ backs. But I want you to take that a step further. Make sure your family and friends know how you feel about them. Tell them you love them. You never know what’s about to happen and you don’t want to live with that particular regret, trust me.

So Seniors, go out there and make mistakes. Find your passions. Give yourself the grace to learn and figure yourself out. Be kind to each other. And don’t forget the math!

Good luck and congratulations! I love you. Felicidades y buena suerte! Lo amo a todos.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the help, #MTBoS!

1  In case you're interested, here's my old one from 2014. It's about being a nerd. :) I'm rather fond of it.

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